Saturday, February 27, 2010

What a day in the life of a Proud Grandma.....

First of all I am such a lucky grandma!! I have 7 wonderful grandkids, each with their very own talents and personalities.

Today my pride is for my grandson Blake, not that there isn't pride for each and every one of these precious grandkids. But today I do believe that my grandson Blake has found his niche! About 3 weeks ago he won the science fair at his elementary school, which sent him to the district Science Fair today. My grandson won the district Sience Fair today and now will be going to the County!!

He has been on the search of his special talent and I do believe that he has found it. I think that is what I am the proudest of. How cool is that? He will be 10 on Monday and he has found something that he truly enjoy's and makes him happy, I just love that!

So today the Grandma is proud of Balke and I look forward to sharing my pride of each and everyone of these beautiful kids with you when the time arises!! I love being a Grandma, my wish is that everyone has the opprotunity in life to experience the joy of being a grandparent.

Till next time, happy to share a day in my life with you.

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