Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ready for the weekend.....

It's Thursday and I am ready for the weekend ahead!! Work has been good this week but I am so looking forward to a restful weekend. Sleep has been just out of reach lately and I am hoping to be able to attain a good nights sleep this weekend!

What a day in the life of Gratitude is.......
There are many days that I have to stop and take a look at what I should be grateful for. I do this when I am feeling a little down or when things are going aray in my life as it always make me feel better. It makes me realize that the smallest things in life are such a blessing and it keeps me looking at a positive road that is laid before me, and helps me to continue to follow it.
It starts with a thank you prayer to God for waking up that day, for having clean clothes to wear, and the water to brush my teeth. I thank him for allowing me to have Gas in the car to get to work and the fact that I have a car that works is always a huge thing that I am grateful for as there have been many years in my life that was not the case.
As the sun rises or the rain falls I am grateful that I have eyes that allow me to be witness to this small miracle and what a blessing that is. I show gratitude when I take a few minutes out of my busy day to actually stop and listen to the birds sing and see the butterflies as they float through the air and realize this is the time to show God your Gratitude and offer a prayer of thanks, so I do.
I think that I am going to make a point to take 5 minutes to myself each and every day to express my gratitude and appreciate all of the blessing that I recieve.
My wish for each of you is that you can find that 5 minutes for each of yourselves. And find that grtitude within yourselves!
Have a wonderful night and look forward to a wonderful weekend!
