Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Beginning....

Today was my last day of a three day work week! Can I get a Woo Hoo??? Spending the next few days with my mom and looking forward to it! We have some intense things to talk about over the next few days. We are having that discussion about what to do at the end when the time comes and I don't think that anyone really wants to have that talk but we all know it's a good thing to do.
So today is the first day of the rest of my blog. Do you follow any blogs? I am actually folllowing a few of them and enjoy checking in on them whether they are just an update or something is really on somene's mind. I look forward to imparting my thoughts and opinions on anyone that is willing to listen, hahaha. You never know what will pop out of this mind and onto the page! So check back often throughout your week. I look forward to hearing from all of you!
My thought for the day, today is in regards to feeling old! Not sure if any of you ever feel this way but this is what started it:
I was reading some posts on my social networking page yesterday it was a post from 2 kids that are kind of realtives that played a big part in my life for a very long time. One of them was telling her cousin that her sister told her to invite the cousin to a wine tasting thing that her sister's work is sponsoring on friday night. All fine and dandy, the answer she got was "sick! I'm down with that! Check back with you on that!" I was about to write feel better soon when, I got the feeling old thought as it creeped in on me.
I have 2 sons one is 33 and a cowboy and the other is 30 and a homeboy! I thought oh put on your homeboy hat and rethink that statement. It occured to me that sick=great and I'm down with that=count me in! Not that I am ill and in bed and will call you as soon as I feel better. Whew narrowly escaping the dreaded "What was she thinking?!" effect I would have on 1/2 of my friends and family. Also when I say kids above they will always be kids to me but they are in their 30's also, so no worries that these teens are going someplace to tie one on. Oh I wonder if that has a double meaning in their lingo??? Guess if they read this I am sure that they will fill me in on any double meanings, I look forward to hearing from anyone on this matter.
Well enjoy your night and see you in the Blogisphere!!


  1. Heck, Jodi, I am only like 2 years out from my 30s and I DON'T get some of the "lingo" don't feel bad!! LOL

    I do wish some "kids" these days would talk like normal human beings more than they don't though... arrgghh.

  2. Thanks Kim I so don't feel all alone!! What is it that you say?? 21 with 18 years of experience??? I say 21 with 31 years of experience!! Not old I guess just experienced!! LOL Love you!

  3. I think I can take the lingo and the music, but what I don't understand is the pants half way down to the knees, the mini-skirts that show half your butt, the high heels on 13 and 15 year olds, etc, etc, you get my drift? (<-u like the lingo? he he) But even as a teenager I never understood all this... I guess living with Grandma did some good! ha ha... I love you Jodi!! Peace out!! he he
    Jen in Vegas

  4. I know where you're coming from with regarding your, or my adult children as kids. They will always be 'our' kids even when they are "old" like us. I kind of enjoy the new lingo too. Heck, we had our lingo when we were teens, again when were a little older, and now we have a different lingo as 'senior' AARP members. :)

    I may not be old, (55) but perhaps more matured and refined like fine wine.

    I only feel "old" at my grandchildren's birthdays!

    Susan, a Washingtonian living in Missouri

  5. I should have also said, Good luck with "that talk" with your mom. Me and my sister should probably have "that talk" with my mom since all of us will be there together in April.
    You're right, it's not a pleasant subject, but neither is "that sex talk" we had with our own kids, and "that drugs/alcohol talk", or any of those other "that talks" we must face as we go through that journey most of us know as life.
    I'm sure, though, that 'when' that time comes, it's better to know what do do instead of stressing about what to do if you don't know.
    Good luck!
    Susan, a Washingtonian living in Missouri

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